When lenders foreclose on real estate, the property must first be placed for sale through a foreclosure auction. If no one bids on the property, it reverts back to the bank. Once the bank has ownership the property becomes known as bank owned/REO property. Due to the current market financial institutions are taking these properties and bundling them in packages called Bulk REO portfolios. They then sell these porfolios for one flat price.
We sell bulk REO/Bank-Owned properties and have small to large portfolios available. We bring together sellers and qualified buyers for the purpose of buying these portfolios. We primarily work directly with banks and usually do not work with broker chains, we like to deal directly with real buyers. If you are interested in buying REO portfolios you must have liquid funds to invest and be able to move quickly when a portfolio fitting your needs becomes available.
Many investors are new to this type of real estate investing and therefore may be unfamiliar with the procedures required to purchase portfolios. We try and simplify the buying process for our clients, by providing straight forward information that’s easy to understand.