How To Market
Please Read This Page FIRST!
Hello! My name is Malendaz
Welcome To My Training Website!
I built this website specifically as a training tool for my team members in my various online businesses. Not only have I built this website for my personally sponsored team members, but also for you to be able to use this with your own personally sponsored team members. This will help you to leverage your time in training your new team members, as well.
Its' main purpose is to help everyone with that question we all had in the beginning, "Okay, I'm signed up, NOW WHAT?"
Put This Training Site In Your Favorites NOW! Visit It Frequently! I'm Constantly Updating This Site & Adding New Content To It!
Personal Note To My Team:
I am thrilled to welcome you to my team!
Whatever you do...always remember that working online can truly change your financial future! Now it is time to get to work and make your dreams a REALITY!
Everything in life is difficult at some point. If you stay positive and devoted to your work, you WILL absolutely see the fruits of your labor!
The #1 reason work-at-home businesses don't work for some people is because they quit! Make a commitment to this right now. Tell yourself that you will work few hours a day. The most important aspect of working at home is activity of some kind. And here's the best part:
Now it is my job to help you to get started! You don't have to do this alone. I am here for you every step of the way!
The first thing I wanted to do for you is to build this training site. One of the obvious reasons is for your training, but you can also use it for your team members, and then they can use it for who their team members, etc...
I have tried my best to make this as easy-to-understand as possible. However, in order to give you a lot of information, there will be a lot of content and detail to it.
Please don't get overwhelmed by it. Just take it step-by-step. It will always be here for you to come back to.
Start this training immediately! Read everything!
Keep in mind...this training is just like any other training when starting something new. It will seem overwhelming at first. Don't worry, that feeling won't last long. It will just take you a little while to get your mind wrapped around all the information. Stay committed! All the information is right here for you. All you have to do is READ IT!
Quick Start Guide - Website Setup
"The key to success is duplication - and the key to duplication is simplicity."
This is a business, and with any real business there is some business expenses in setting up effective marketing systems and tools. Please understand that everything we mention below is optional to promoting your business, however, if you're serious about building a business... these tools are basic requirements.
We have seen that 9 out of 10 people join this business because they see the power in the automation and duplication potential of this system.
* How to Set Up Your System
NOTE: Usually, 9 times out of 10... if you're reading this page... your system is already set up. It was set up as part of the process you went through to buy into this business.
We recommend you check with your sponsor and make sure you already have the following information:
1. System Link for advertising your website.
2. Your login and password to get into your Back Office.
Next, log into your Back Office and go through the instructions for "Getting Started" to get to know your system and where certain features and tools are located. We also have compiled and will continue to produce Video Tutorials which will help you get up to speed fast with your powerful marketing system.
Everything is explained in that Back Office, and they also have Live Training Calls on how to get started.
* Registering Your Own Domain Name To Promote Your Business
You'll need to buy at least ONE personal domain name to use with your new site if you don’t already have one. If you don’t have one, I recommend you go to and get one. It's about $10 a year.
NOTE: You will NOT need hosting for your domain.
Since we need to make everything easy a .COM extension as your first choice would be very wise.
Use a little creativity here, but don't slave over it. Once you've found an available domain name, register it (for just $9.99), then set up the domain forwarding of your new domain to your chosen URL (i.e. your custom landing page, or opt-in page). If you're not sure what this website address is, please contact your sponsor to assist you.
Be sure to test it before you do any advertising to make sure it goes to your correct website.
For Technical Assistance: If you don't know how to "forward" a domain, I suggest that you call Goddaddy Customer Service once you've registered your own personal domain(s) at 480-505-8877. Have a service rep walk you through it!
It only takes 5 minutes and they are really helpful to new folks.
The only additional thing we recommend you do is to go to and register a $9/yr domain name. The reason is that it's much more professional and graphically nicer to NOT use that long link from your back office for your advertising and promotions.
It's nicer to have a creative, personal domain name. You can then redirect or "forward" that domain name to send traffic to your own SYSTEM website.
Here are the steps:
1. Register your domain name of choice at I have provided a link below.
2. Forward the domain name to your System's url.
Godaddy has excellent 24/7 support via phone and they can even forward the domain for you or show you step by step how to do it. Call 480-505-8877. Have a service rep walk you through it!
This is a really great way to get good quality local market traffic. I can
help you set this up. When you order service with you
recieve1 FREE month of advertising. FREE VIDEO REPORT BELOW
Quick Start Guide - Sponsor's Duties
"The key to success is duplication - and the key to duplication is simplicity."
There is a big misunderstanding in the industry, and we are going to correct it AT LEAST within our team. Many people think when they get started in a home based business that they are going to be hand held and told what to do each day. That is not the definition of Free Enterprise, that's what we all call a JOB.
The reasons people get started in home based businesses vary. But one thing is clear, no one signed up to have another boss tell them what to do. You are going to be responsible for your own actions... after all, you are running your very own business. This may be a little bit scary, but you will find that it's quite exciting. AND you are not in this by yourself.
So lets clarify what your sponsor's responsibility are.
By support we do not mean teach you EVERYTHING they know, we do not mean give you every source they use, and we certainly don't mean ordering you around. You are surrounded by people who are like minded, and you will find comfort in this. You will have just enough support to know you are not alone, but not enough to feel like you're at a job. There is a fine balace... and that balance is network marketing.
They should welcome you to the team, introduce you to the team tools we have, make sure your account with GRN is activated, follow up to be sure you received your activation, and answer questions that you have - or guide you to a place where you can find your answers.
Your Sponsor is not there so you can:
- spend hours with you - this can happen but its not a requirement, yet some people think it is.
- run your business for you
Your responsibilities include:
- Consistently plugging into the system we have.
- Continuously be working on yourself.
- Continuously be learning.
- Take reasonable advice when its given to you from your sponsor.
- Contacting your sponsor if you require assistance.
- Start learning how to create your own ad copy. Nothing is more powerful than original copy coming from you.
Some other tips:
1. When you ask for help with something, thank the person who volunteered their time to help you out.
2. You should be grateful for what you have your hands on, you should be grateful to be working with such a powerful team.
3. You must take the actions to get the answers you need. If you call or email and do not get an answer right away.
Some common courtesy guidelines in business to create a long lasting business relationship:
- Get to the point quickly during phone conversations.
- Respect each other's time and their time off.
- Be polite, even if you are frustrated.
- Be excited when you hear about people's successes, not jealous. Remember, you have the same potential. If you are jealous you are closing off your own prosperity
Your goal is to generate at least 20 leads per day. Why 20 leads per day? Because that's the magic number when the law of averages starts to turn in your favor. If you have at least 20 leads per day, you're in a great position to generate 1-3 sales per week (or more)..
The #1 Reason WHY Most People Never Get Out Of The Starting Gate...
Is because they simply don't know or understand what it is that they're supposed to do from Day 1.
This is the EXACT reason WHY my Members Area is NOT fancy nor is it jam packed with 5,017 hours of training audios and videos that 99.02% of members will never listen too.
It's been my experience that a person will learn better and retain more if they receive a limited amount of information at a time.
Think of school. If you went to college, did the school just dump 5 dozen textbooks on your desk and say learn this, you'll be tested in 4 years? No, you were given bite sized chunks, and day after day, your knowledge and abilities expanded. So too here.
The LAST thing you need is information overload.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a strong supporter of continuing education in the areas of marketing, ad copy, lead generation and personal development. But in the same breath, I realize that your time is valuable and I want to give you only the essentials you need to make a good go of this program right now.
That being said, the key to success with our programs, as with any business, is to expose people to the opportunity and get the word out in a BIG way. There are several ways to do that effectively, but at the end of the day, that’s all it really boils down to... because there's a terrible thing that happens to people who don't advertise... and that is Nothing... that's right, nothing happens!
So your first and most important step is MARKETING & PROMOTING your website (if you choose to promote online).
There's no mystery or "secret" to success. After a decade of experience, the results of the most successful people in business have been thoroughly analyzed and duplicated.
I've found that successful marketers invest an average of 15% - 25% of their gross profits on their marketing budget. (unless they're using FREE advertising strategies like Traffic Exchanges, YouTube, Craigslist, MySpace, etc.) No mystery. JUST MASSIVE MARKETING with proven tools.
The #1 reason people don’t get their desired results is lack of ENOUGH promoting/ advertising. Successful people do something everyday to generate leads! THAT is their secret!
Also understand that with any marketing strategy, there's always going to be a trade off between time and money. Free strategies will usually require more of a time investment (or skill) than paid strategies and vice versa.
This section below is all about the Marketing. Its been set up as a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section because most likely, you have questions. Therefore, quickly scan through the following Q & A to locate the issue or concern at hand. This forces you to look over other questions that may or may not have entered your mind.
1) I'm a newbie, please treat me like one. What do I do?
The most important thing you can do right now is make sure that everything is set-up correctly. For instance, you don't want to promote your website without first testing your individual website pages to insure proper function, especially your payment button.
You can quickly test everything by acting as if you're a prospect on one of your pages.
Secondly, plan on reading and studying everything here in your Members Area. Yes, I know you want to make money FAST. But you won't make any until you've mastered the basics of following instructions.
Third, start small with your advertising. The rule in Direct Response Marketing is Test, Test and then... Test again.
It's wise to start small. Once you've found an ad that pulls, then you can move forward with rolling it out into multiple publications. You don't want to be out there throwing money against a wall. You want to work smart. That means test everything.
You can waste a lot of money both online and offline, so whatever plan of action you take, be sure to keep your costs low until you've proven that a particular method is producing the desired results. There are a ton of proven marketing strategies presented here, so use them.
Fourth, plan on being here 90 days from now. You'll be amazed at how much credibility you'll gather by sticking with a program v/s hopping from one deal to the next. Remember, your image/reputation is GOLD. Don't tarnish it by joining gimmicky programs every 12 hours - THIS is definitely NOT one of them!
2) I've been involved with multiple programs in the past but have never been able to make any money. What can I do differently here in this program to help make sure I'm a success?
The two major and fundamental reasons people fail to get what they want is A) a BROKEN focus and B) they fail to invest enough TIME locating where they're supposed to be and in learning the needed skills (marketing), mindset, attitude, etc... required for success.
With that said, your FOCUS should be on lead generation (marketing) from Day 1. Nothing else matters. And secondly, spend enough TIME mastering the basics. Such as how to use certain advertising strategies, like pay per click, that may take longer to master than other forms, but can generate a ton of leads and money for you on complete autopilot once you set things up.
3) How do I get leads?
There are only 2 ways to get leads - Buy them or generate them on your own.
First, lets CLEARLY define what a "purchased" lead actually is....
A "purchased" lead to me is where you contact a lead vendor to order a list of contacts who have responded to an ad online about making money from home.
The PROBLEM with "purchased" leads is that a) you don't know HOW they were generated OR WHERE they were generated, b) you don't know WHAT they responded to and c) you don't know how many other people are getting that same exact lead list that you just spend hard earned money on.
Lets compare "purchased" leads to a lead that you generate on your own.
A lead that you create for yourself will be much more receptive to your marketing message because they've specifically expressed interest in YOUR offer.
For example...
I run an ad in USA Today, Friday Edition. Costs me roughly $260.
* I CONTROL the wording of the ad (who I'm attracting)
* I CONTROL the process as to how they respond... the call to action (website, 1-800 number)
* I CONTROL the follow-up process (Instantly getting feedback from ME)
With those 3 things under my control, my SUCCESS rate soars. Plus it saves me tons of time from having to sift and sort through the rubble ("generic opportunity seeker" leads) to find a few interested parties.
4) I need a step-by-step plan of action. Tell me what to do next?
Go back up and read the answer to Question 1. Then focus on getting 1-3 ads out there in the next 24 hours. Even if they're free ads, doesn't matter. Just do something right now. Inactivity will lead to procrastination, which will lead to frustration. Whereas activity will lead to more activity, which will lead to MASSIVE ACTION. And that's when things start to get really exciting.
Here's another perspective:
Run an ad.
Gather sign-ups from that ad.
Take a % of the money received and re-invest it back in for more ads.
Repeat the process.
5) What's the secret to creating $10K a month or more in personal income with the this program... or in Network Marketing, Direct Sales or Affiliate type programs?
Two words... Focus and Consistency. Go back up and read the answer to Question 2. I believe that sums it up right there.
6) Where can I find some sample ads to use?
Go to my Pre-Designed Ads section. You'll find over 60 sample ads that can be used for our program or any other type of home-based opportunity you're promoting. Click Here
7) How many people should I be getting in touch with everyday?
If you want MASSIVE success and sales, a minimum of 10-20 FRESH new prospects each and every day. Doesn't matter how they come into contact with you. What does matter is that you maintain a steady stream of fresh prospects coming through your Marketing Pipeline, which consists of them visiting your website if you're focusing on online marketing.
I recommend both marketing tool for web traffic.
Sercret Tip: Link All Your Traffic Exchange Website Links Together.
8) I'm on a limited budget. Where can I go to place some low cost ads or even FREE ads?
I'm not a big fan of FREE ads but one of the most popular sites online for placing free classified ads is CraigsList. The actual site is...
I personally know several individuals who rely heavily on CraigsList for their Marketing and they're currently full-time in their respective programs. That's enough for me to know that CraigsList does work for those who want to work it.
You can also use free classified sites and Social Networking strategies like posting videos on or creating a MySpace account and inviting friends to view your info.
PostCard Marketing Tips:
This is a great opportunity for both building as a business and for the business you currently have! Using the web as a tool to do an old fashioned follow up is brilliant and the hand written note is one of the best marketing tools you have. I encourage you to really look at This PostCard Marketing Tips and start using it today! Check It out Here.
This GIFT ACCOUNT allows you to send out cards similarly to a Send Out Card account holder with all the bells and whisthle. CLICK HERE to try it now
I personally like using top-quality web graphics to promote my latest and greatest product?
You know that you need top quality design templates to use.
This system was designed for everyone, from the greenest Internet Marketer to the List Building Expert. AdKreator even hosts all your work on their blazing fast server!
AdKreator makes you feel like a professional designer.
That's not marketing fluff, I challenge you to see it for yourself!!
You really don't need to read the rest of this email. If you understood the power of this idea, you would
click this link and put the AdKreator system to the test today.
* You know the Secrets to Advertising Success and
AdKreator Delivers! Industry experts always push three
key points for advertising in Traffic Exchanges...
Wow how many times have you heard the money is in the list? Now how many times have those same people told you just use a system and you'll have a massive list only to find out 3,000 other people are using their same exact looking squeezepages? adKreator's got you covered!
You can now use their system and our "secret design weapon" to get skyrocketed results. Not only can you design custom looking pages, They has included a unique drag and drop opt-in form tool.
No longer are you stuck with a boring generic squeezepage that forces you to have an optin box in a certain spot. Just enter your auto responder code, drag & drop and WHAM!
A one of a kind, fully hosted squeezepage you can start using immediately!
You have to get your name and your photo out there. I've used templates and other services only to get the same looking page as everyone else using them.
You'd have to be a designer to make those products and in some cases you can't do anything to standout other then adding your picture and name.
They has made it so simple to standout in a crowd. I had full control of where I wanted my photo, name and content. It was so easy I kreated my first, fully hosted splashpage within the first 5 minutes of using the system!
With AdKreator you can start with a professionally designed template, add your own custom images or use the ones included inside the designer. You don't have to download an add-on graphics package just re-upload them into your design.
The best part is all the images they provide have transparent backgrounds. This really made a huge
difference to me.
* You don't need a four-year degree or four-figure
software to kreate! AdKreator allows anyone to be a
designer and kreate top-quality promotions. If you
can navigate the web, point, click, drag & drop you
have what it takes.
* In addition, the service is run over the internet.
You will be able to log on and kreate from any internet
enabled computer without the worry of bulky or confusing
software to install.
* No need to start with a blank slate. This is single
biggest stumbling block people face with doing their
own advertising. Designing from scratch is a talent.
Why do you think good designers are so expensive?
* AdKreator gives you that design jump start with it's
professionally designed templates in various shapes,
sizes, and concepts.
I don't want you to just take my word, though. The best way to experience the power and ease of this